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Refine structure

Short description

Small utility to ensure that the input structure satisfies all symmetries to high precision.

Command line options:

Optional switches:

  • --tolerance_lattice value, -tl value
    default value 1E-5
    Tolerance for the lattice.

  • --tolerance_internal value, -ti value
    default value 1E-5
    Tolerance for internal degrees of freedom.

  • --unitcell value, -uc value
    default value infile.ucposcar
    Filename for the unitcell to refine.

  • --supercell value, -ss value
    default value none
    Filename for supercell to refine.

  • --prototype value, -pf value
    default value none
    Prototype unitcell where you know the symmetry is correct.

  • --help, -h
    Print this help message

  • --version, -v
    Print version



Longer summary

This is a utility to ensure that the symmetries of the crystal structure is satisfied to as high precision as possible. A vast majority of issues users experience, can be solved with this tool.

In essence, it takes an input crystal structure that might be specified like this

hcp Fe
   0.50000  -0.866025  0.00000
   0.50000   0.866025  0.00000
   0.00000   0.000000  1.63299
   0.333333   0.66666   0.25000
   0.666666   0.33333   0.75000

And returns

hcp Fe
    0.50000000000000    -0.86602540378444     0.00000000000000
    0.50000000000000     0.86602540378444     0.00000000000000
    0.00000000000000     0.00000000000000     1.63299057103649
Direct coordinates
  0.33333333333333   0.66666666666667   0.25000000000000  site 1 species 1: Fe
  0.66666666666667   0.33333333333333   0.75000000000000  site 2 species 1: Fe


Explain that we can use a prototype structure to determine the spacegroup, as in pick spacegroup from a unit cell I know is ok, and impose that on the current cell.