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Pack simulation

Short description

Small utility to pack a simulation to hdf5.

Command line options:

Optional switches:

  • --stride value, -s value
    default value 1
    Pack every N configuration instead of all.

  • --nrand value
    default value -1
    Pack N random configurations instead of all.

  • --temperature value
    default value -1
    Override the simulation temperature.

  • --variable_cell, -npt
    default value .false.
    Make sure to store variable cell information.

  • --magnetic_moments, -mag
    default value .false.
    Make sure to store projected magnetic moments.

  • --dielectric
    default value .false.
    Make sure to store dielectric constant and Born charges.

  • --molecular_dynamics, -md
    default value .false.
    Make sure to specify that this is real molecular dynamics.

  • --notidy
    default value .false.
    Per default the simulation is cleaned, drift removed and so on. This switch skips that.

  • --help, -h
    Print this help message

  • --version, -v
    Print version



Long summary

This utility takes the plain-text input files and packs them to hdf5. The options allow you to pack a subset and specify what information to include. The resulting output file can take the place of the regular input files. This is by no means a necessary tool, the main utility is reduced file size and increased io speed.

Input files

Output files


This is merely an archive that contains all the information in the input files but packed to a single file. For the casual use it has little benefit except using considerably less space.